
Welcome to the Yellow Side of the Moon

We Do Some Creative Stuff!!!



About Us

Yellow Side of the Moon is not secret anymore

01  |  We Make Some Art

Its just some empty spaces with some
text, images, and more empty spaces

02  |  We Develop Some Apps

You click and magic happens,
well someone must make magic

03  |  We Take Some Photographs

This is the easy part of the job,
just point camera and shoot.






This is some random text
where you get inspired and do some cool stuff

No...We are not lazy. Every website need blank space


When we are bored we make some of these

Oh...We have more of these






Somebody actually pay us for these stuff
Chippys Sweety BullsEye Wall Paint Shop Golde Lillys Flowers






Contact us
Sure...we can take some time for chat






© - YellowMoon All Rights Reserved